Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ten things for a Saturday.

I am one year away from 40.
My daughter M's team WON first place in their cheer competition.
Cheer parents are nutso!
I got new slippers, 2 pairs of shoes, foot and hand lotion and a GC to Barnes/Noble for my b-day.
My favorite auntie called me, it's so good to hear her voice.
My house needs a maid and laundress to show up.
I worked eight hour days all week and am pooped!
I did NOT go on the Superman ride, because the Predator threw out my back.
I went on the Orange County choppers moto-coaster EIGHT times with Miss M.

and the number ten thing today.........
I bet my son I'll run in a 5K with him next year.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Here's a good place to announce this..... I'm going to be a GRAMMA ! G and J are expecting in Febuary. There are a lot of mixed feelings swirling thru my head as I type this. I am happy and excited for them. They are engaged to be married in June 2009. Both are hard workers and great with children. I suppose my hesitation comes from the fact that ......
#1: I must be old. Yes, this is my eldest child, but I still have a four year old at home. I'd love to have more babies myself. I've always felt, even after #5 was born, well whats one more??? I LOVED being pregnant. Had easy pregnancies/ deliveries/ etc.... But surgically it ain't possible.
#2: The apple doesn't fall far from the proverbial tree. I was 20 when G was born. I know she'll be a great mom, but part of me wants a different life for her. Some "grown-up" time before starting a family.

Mini updates: school has started and is going well. so far so good M LOVES her teacher and hasn't wanted to drop out yet. Mind you she is the 4th grader. E has moved into the BIG room at preschool. I am in the younger room; three year olds are lots of fun and the bonus is NO diapers to change. (potty accidents??, well....) Cross country going well for D, hockey starting soon too. And Big E has a job!! A real honest to goodness paying real money job at the ice cream shop/garden store down the street from us. (bonus there: she can walk to work!)

Okay my concentration is failing me. We are going on a secret journey tomorrow, to Darien Lake. $24.99 a carload! If you never hear from me again, my heart has stopped after going on the Superman roller coaster. You know that sign at the beginning of the rides... "heart problems, surgeries, concussions- do not ride this ride"..... is there a line about No Grammaws allowed?
aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I am ALIVE. Just very very busy. Who knew working part time would cut into my computer time so much. I promise a better update soon soon, maybe even with a picture. ;)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

okay okay juliemom, geesh. We did go away. Left 11ish on Saturday, ate lunch at Belhurst Castle. Here's where I wish I had a digital camera, it was GORGEOUS !!! And you know what, not as expensive as you'd think. Had some yummy sandwiches with a FRIED dill pickle on the side. OMW, the best best thing ever. Darn hubby ate his too or I would've grabbed it. Then we drove to the B&B and checked in. A very nice lady runs it, it was her family home and we were the only guests. Tobehanna Creek B&B

We went to Glenora winery, walked around Watkins Glen and Montour Falls, went on the Capt Bill boat cruise, stopped into Seneca Harbor wine center, and ate at a teeny Italian restaurant. (Jerlando's) And went back to the B&B to go to sleep. wink wink Of course thru out the day we talked to the little girls one bazillion times, including 11:30 pm.

Drove home Sunday in the pouring rain. We got to Geneva just in time for the half triathalon my bro-in-law was actually running. A quick call to my sis to locate her, but she was parked in the state park at the finish line and it's $7 to get in there. So we pulled into the hotel they had stayed at, mile 11 of 13. She told us what he was wearing and we cheered him on. Of course at that point of the race he looked at me in confusion "huh? whozat? you talkin to me?" but called the next day to say Thanks for being there. If you've never been to a marathon or race or cross country event I recommend it. Trust me I am so NOT a runner or excerciser or whatever....but there's this ENTHUSIASM and pride and adrenalin that infects you and you end up cheering like a crazy person to total strangers. A friend of mine is doing the Rochester marathon and you bet I'll be there hooting and hollering and waving my posterboard sign. :)

Home again, home again jiggety jog and it was back to reality. Happy 20th darling, I love you! (p.s. no he doesnt read this)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Where does the time go? Flies when you're having fun, drags when you're not.

Things are in same mode here. This is a good thing, as in same old, same old. We've had some wicked rains but today is sunny and the weekend is looking good! I'm working on a secret project for the girls. Since big sister is their "babysitter" while I'm at work, boredom is setting in already. So I am looking, lurking, google-ing fun, easy crafty projects for them to do. Add some ideas if you've got them....

Other exciting news; I bought a used sewing machine. I haven't had the time yet to use it. (what was I thinking?) I mainly bought it because my crafty fingers are itching and I have fallen in love with vintage type fabrics.

And the return of Question of The Day: Favorite Thing(s) About FRIDAY?
My answers
1. a drink to end the week and relax with
2. sleeping in Saturday morning
3. Hubby makes breakfasts on the weekends :)
What's yours?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Vacation is over.Haha The menfolk are coming home today. While I will be glad to snuggle my sweetie, have my son to take the dog out and oldest daughter will have her sweetie back's back to reality as far as cooking dinners goes. We have been on a chinese takeout, TacoBell, McDonalds, eat what you can find extravaganza here. Men like FOOD, preferably including meat and no brown rice or wheat pastas. With the ever increasing cost of food, and the massive quantities my family eats I need to rein in this cost. We do have a small garden so hopefully the produce will offset some shopping this summer. There is a Farmers Market in town to check out too, as well as the big Public Market. Buying local is one of my goals. Organic is a harder sell to the hubby.

(This is also another day closer to My Night Without Children Anniversary Get-Away.)

Monday, July 7, 2008

men-free days, summer heat, and going away

So we are a tribe of women for a few days, the men folk have gone to the woods for a camping/fishing extravaganza. In our spare time we saw Horton hears a Who and ordered Chinese for dinner. The beauty of that is....... LEFTOVERS for lunch, and maybe dinner again. We've also picked raspberies until our hands are stained and our legs are scratched up. (Gramma Lena would be proud ;) )
It's a HOT one today, already turned the A/C on. Even the small cat slept in front of the fan.

The greatest news is the hubby and I are actually going AWAY for our anniversary. For the night. WITHOUT CHILDREN. Oh 'scuse me, did I shout that? After many hours of searching hotels, motels, rooms over bars, bed and breakfasts, small towns, big towns, cities with waterfalls, a whole 'nother country (Oh Canada) with no vacancies or two night stay requirements or million dollar price tags; we thought we were sunk. After twenty years we were stuck to a smooch in the car and maybe dinner alone. To the rescue came hubby's Boss, who found a B&B, checked the availability and said "put it on the company charge card, Happy Anniversary" Huh? What? Pardon me? So we leave on Saturday, to an undisclosed location,WITHOUT kids, near two of the Finger Lakes,WITHOUT kids, maybe take in a wine tour,WITHOUT kids, a nice dinner, WITHOUT kids, and a sleepover WITHOUT KIDS!!!!!!

Do you see the importance of this? There will be NO kids. TWENTY years and EIGHTEEN of them being a mom/dad/parental unit. Maybe I won't come home........

Monday, June 30, 2008

fooled you didn't I?

Yes juliemom, my next post will be about where we DIDN'T go for our anniversary....... still working on it.
And a ::::wave:::: to the "other" Mary, or is it Nary, who stalked over from juliemom. And so we don't get confuzzled again, I changed my name to MaryD. Pat on the back for figuring that one out, and I didn't even ask my kids. :)

Question of the day......

okay so I really stink at updating a blog. Schools out for summer, mama's got a job, it seems to be a rainy season, and multi-tasking is getting harder and harder to do. So here's the deal..... Comment me the answer to the question of the day. I'll tell you my answers too. Kinda like Trivia, without a prize or a winner.

The question of the day is:
What book or books are you currently reading? Would you recommend it to a friend?

I'm reading two right now. Wicked by Gregory Maguire
Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott
Wicked is very hard. Lots of strange made-up words, and lands and creatures. It is supposed to be the life and times of the Wicked Witch from Wizard of Oz fame. That is one of my favorite movies and the musical was just in town, although I didn't see it. I'm sticking with it, because I ALWAYS finish a book.
Traveling Mercies I've been reading for awhile. It is the authors journey to and through faith. It's good, I just haven't had the time or energy to read a lot.

Your turn. Oh I'd recommend them both so far, but I like most books.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

geez, the comments!

Remember way back when I started this pathetic blog, I warned you. All two readers, it ain't updated too often!! LOL

I also have a JOB now people. Like a "real" one, where I put clothes on and drive somewhere and am out of the house for hours at a time. And they pay me REAL money! It's nice, I like it. Beebs goes to preschool and I play with older infants for five-ish hours a day. And you know what? They can't talk yet!! (unlike my mouthy children, why do we teach them to talk? It only leads to complaining)

I hosted family Easter. I made a ham, ten pounds of mashed potatoes, applesauce, and my dad brought over his famous raisin sauce for the ham. He dropped off that and the ham on Saturday, but they had Easter with other relatives. Sisters-in-laws brought the veggies, salad and rolls AND my bro-in-law and his mom made golumpkies. Non-Ukranian people refer to these as stuffed cabbage rolls. We ruin them by insisting on sauce. They were YUMMY!!! I also made a chocolate cake with strawberries on top.

Now you may have noticed I am home today. Well Saturday daughter M threw up all day, she went to school yesterday but feels horrible. Beebs had a 103 fever last night, so we are home and blanketed and watching lots of TV today. There is so much sickness going around, the daycare has seen pinkeye, stomach flu, fevers, and the CROUP. One school district closed for a day due to 25% absenses. Ack. We need a nice week-long vacation so the germs can die off in the schools. That and some nice warm weather to open the windows, maybe a 60 degree day WITH sun. Aaahhh, that'd be nice! Maybe my poor mystery bulbs could make it up thru the mud and stretch their leaves a bit. A cousin gave me a bag of bulbs that didn't grow the first year but are showing signs of life, I am excited to see WHAT they are!! Daffodils? Hyacinths? Tulips maybe?

Leave some love. :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The title pretty much says it all. It is officially influenza in my house, confirmed by a $50 trip to the pediatrician. Is it wrong to have secretly hoped the throat cultures were positive? At least then the steep co-pay would have paid for something I couldn't have diagnosed. M has been home since last Wed, Bebe started on Friday and the husband was stricken on Sunday. I have poured juice, ginger ale and more juice, dispensed childrens motrin, adult motrin, mucus reliever and dayquil, I have "slept" squashed with a three yr old in the bed, an 8 yo on the couch in our room and listened to them all cough and cough and cough........I have made toast, cut oranges, peeled apples, and poured juice. Did I mention the juice yet? The doctor mentioned it lasts a week to ten days.......oh the agony. Only one child got the flu shot, is he safe from the bug?

When I am sick next week, who will come take care of me? whine whine pout pout

Saturday, February 2, 2008

a link for juliemom and TV woes

Juliemom has apparently "forgotten" what real weather is. Here is an Rnews link to our weather yesterday.

Yes, the Monkees is the correct spelling, but I'm sure it makes Wendymom itchy. You know what I saw on TV....The Banana Splits!! Remember that show? " one banana, two banana, three banana, four, over hill and highway the banana buggies go" What worries me is how all TV is going to be switched to digital signals next year, 2009. You will need a converter to catch the signal or a NEW TV. Well hardy har har har: THAT ain't happening. Let's count the TV's in my house, shall we?
1. living room
2. kitchen (essential for hockey games/weather updates/SpongeBob)
3. girls bedroom downstairs
4. The Boy Cave (essential for video game madness, Family Guy and escaping the estrogen in this house)
5. MY bedroom (essential for falling asleep, Alton Brown, and the occasional video; children or, ahem adult)
6. there is also a TV in the garage; main use? sports at BBQ's
SIX. six TV's muwha haha And these converter boxes run about $50. Limited math tells me the grand total is $300. Will I need one for each TV? Will there be a whole house converter I can stick in the basement? Will my digital cable box convert it for me? Am I again relegated to a few channels on a fuzzy picture? Or I can enjoy my Sex and the City reruns, LOST, Food Network, and daily Noggin for the wee one? I hate technology!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hmmm has another month gone by? It must be time to blog. hardy har har. Winter marches on, it has been in the teens but without snow for days, finally got an inch or two last night. If it's going to be winter, there may as well be enough snow for the kids to go sledding, am I right? We did get the Christmas decorations and also the leaves cleaned up so the front yard looks nice. Bebe and Miss M got ice skates from Santa but they haven't been used yet. Maybe the park lot will be frozen and open this weekend.

Today I am baking. Yes, me, the domestic~cough cough~ GODDESS. I started some sourdough awhile back, left it in the fridge so it smells good and yeasty, read several recipes on ye olde internet and we'll see what happens. Hopefully by dinnertime it will have magically turned into some edible version of sourdough bread. At least the oven will keep the kitchen warm.