Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ten things for a Saturday.

I am one year away from 40.
My daughter M's team WON first place in their cheer competition.
Cheer parents are nutso!
I got new slippers, 2 pairs of shoes, foot and hand lotion and a GC to Barnes/Noble for my b-day.
My favorite auntie called me, it's so good to hear her voice.
My house needs a maid and laundress to show up.
I worked eight hour days all week and am pooped!
I did NOT go on the Superman ride, because the Predator threw out my back.
I went on the Orange County choppers moto-coaster EIGHT times with Miss M.

and the number ten thing today.........
I bet my son I'll run in a 5K with him next year.