Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The title pretty much says it all. It is officially influenza in my house, confirmed by a $50 trip to the pediatrician. Is it wrong to have secretly hoped the throat cultures were positive? At least then the steep co-pay would have paid for something I couldn't have diagnosed. M has been home since last Wed, Bebe started on Friday and the husband was stricken on Sunday. I have poured juice, ginger ale and more juice, dispensed childrens motrin, adult motrin, mucus reliever and dayquil, I have "slept" squashed with a three yr old in the bed, an 8 yo on the couch in our room and listened to them all cough and cough and cough........I have made toast, cut oranges, peeled apples, and poured juice. Did I mention the juice yet? The doctor mentioned it lasts a week to ten days.......oh the agony. Only one child got the flu shot, is he safe from the bug?

When I am sick next week, who will come take care of me? whine whine pout pout


JulieMom said...

Um, Wendy's the nurse, and I live in Africa so, did I mention Wendy? Yeah, I'd go with Wendy.

Hope your house gets cured soon!

JulieMom said...

When are you going to post again so I can leave a comment that isn't already under another I've written?!?!?

When, huh? When???

JulieMom said...

I think maybe I'll just continue to leave a comment here every few weeks until you decide to post again.

How's that sound?
