Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hmmm has another month gone by? It must be time to blog. hardy har har. Winter marches on, it has been in the teens but without snow for days, finally got an inch or two last night. If it's going to be winter, there may as well be enough snow for the kids to go sledding, am I right? We did get the Christmas decorations and also the leaves cleaned up so the front yard looks nice. Bebe and Miss M got ice skates from Santa but they haven't been used yet. Maybe the park lot will be frozen and open this weekend.

Today I am baking. Yes, me, the domestic~cough cough~ GODDESS. I started some sourdough awhile back, left it in the fridge so it smells good and yeasty, read several recipes on ye olde internet and we'll see what happens. Hopefully by dinnertime it will have magically turned into some edible version of sourdough bread. At least the oven will keep the kitchen warm.