Wednesday, November 28, 2007

ch-ch-ch changes....

Wow, maybe this should be a monthly blog eh? Biggest change, I am un-employed. Three teachers were let go, last hired/first fired, you know..... so there is a sadness. There were other cutbacks as well and thankfully, because I was a part-timer, I didn't find out until Monday where others were gone the day before Thanksgiving. The job fell in my lap to begin with, BUT the hours worked beautifully for my family, Bebe was going to a FUN preK with mama right there, a wee extra money was flowing.....good points? No driving in the snow-soon-to-come, excessive gas prices was making it a costly drive to work, more time to blog perhaps?? LOL

Onward and Upward. Oldest daughter has moved out. She and the Boy have bought a mobile home, and seem very happy. They have 8 rats, Sir Charles the cat and the birdie Daddy bought her for her birthday, and now a friend for the bird. We are planning a "family trip" to cut down a Christmas tree together and they were agreeable with that. They are still here almost every night but a little more independant as well.

what else, what else.....Big E is on the JV basketball team, first tournament this weekend. We have dinner plans next weekend with friends, fun fun. So there's an update on life in crazy if all three of my friends will comment, it will look like I have a life!! wendymom~this means you.
cousin Colleen~chime in too. :)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

And then....

Days pass between posts, weeks perhaps....the big change around here, besides the clock of Daylight Savings, is that I am working again! Part time at a preschool/daycare, E is in the three year old class and enjoys it very much. My Official Title is Staff Support, fancy words for go where we need you and cover teacher breaks. So far I've been in the preschool classes, which I know and love but may find my way over to the babies, not so bad there either. :) I am still trying to get things more organized around here, including before bed picking out the little girls clothes, NOT having to stay up for laundry and going to bed at a decent hour. I wish I could get a head start on lunch making, since now there are three to pack. (Big E is making her own, big YEAH to that)
Hockey has started.
Basketball begins next week.
And we have Girl Scout cookies to deliver. The time change affects that happening~ because it is DARK at night and this mama no-see-so-good in the DARK anymore. It's them new fancy headlights I tell you.