Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The title pretty much says it all. It is officially influenza in my house, confirmed by a $50 trip to the pediatrician. Is it wrong to have secretly hoped the throat cultures were positive? At least then the steep co-pay would have paid for something I couldn't have diagnosed. M has been home since last Wed, Bebe started on Friday and the husband was stricken on Sunday. I have poured juice, ginger ale and more juice, dispensed childrens motrin, adult motrin, mucus reliever and dayquil, I have "slept" squashed with a three yr old in the bed, an 8 yo on the couch in our room and listened to them all cough and cough and cough........I have made toast, cut oranges, peeled apples, and poured juice. Did I mention the juice yet? The doctor mentioned it lasts a week to ten days.......oh the agony. Only one child got the flu shot, is he safe from the bug?

When I am sick next week, who will come take care of me? whine whine pout pout

Saturday, February 2, 2008

a link for juliemom and TV woes


Juliemom has apparently "forgotten" what real weather is. Here is an Rnews link to our weather yesterday.

Yes, the Monkees is the correct spelling, but I'm sure it makes Wendymom itchy. You know what I saw on TV....The Banana Splits!! Remember that show? " one banana, two banana, three banana, four, over hill and highway the banana buggies go" What worries me is how all TV is going to be switched to digital signals next year, 2009. You will need a converter to catch the signal or a NEW TV. Well hardy har har har: THAT ain't happening. Let's count the TV's in my house, shall we?
1. living room
2. kitchen (essential for hockey games/weather updates/SpongeBob)
3. girls bedroom downstairs
4. The Boy Cave (essential for video game madness, Family Guy and escaping the estrogen in this house)
5. MY bedroom (essential for falling asleep, Alton Brown, and the occasional video; children or, ahem adult)
6. there is also a TV in the garage; main use? sports at BBQ's
SIX. six TV's muwha haha And these converter boxes run about $50. Limited math tells me the grand total is $300. Will I need one for each TV? Will there be a whole house converter I can stick in the basement? Will my digital cable box convert it for me? Am I again relegated to a few channels on a fuzzy picture? Or I can enjoy my Sex and the City reruns, LOST, Food Network, and daily Noggin for the wee one? I hate technology!